Monday, May 23, 2011

Broken Pinky Finger Or Sprain

Sclerosis Multiplex - Relacja z Częstochowy (

Sclerosis Multiplex - Warsaw Electronic Festival for Ciszek Mek.
embarks on a journey which would not be ashamed to Martin Heller, in 1001 the land journey of teas to a place called Cafe Belgian - in the contemplation of the noble goals of modern music, so rare host in the main stream-of these audio-visual media, so much in love in describing reality, emotions acoustic.

went on a journey of 17, after an hour through a bed of music and the arrival of Jamie XX Czestochowa we started searching for parking. In this case, the hand stretched out to us Jasna Gora, a great place to leave valuables with the vehicle, inclusive. Monitored parking On-line 24h.Dużo seats, toilets to draw .... hand and a beautiful facility for the treatment of the soul. Calculates the cost of parking a special device mounted in the head parking, which is recited in your mouth, the amount of PLN 10. Cheap as such security. After a brief visit to the Shrine of Our Lady, we started searching for a Belgian Cafe. Short phone made for Piotr Michalowski, and we know that we know nothing hehe. Peter, after reaching the CB knows quite where it is located superficially ai Jasna Gora travel from his perspective did not notice. In any event, it is surely far from the famous Don Quixote owianego
and well ..

Avenue crossing of the Blessed Virgin Mary - which is the principal thoroughfare ceremonial center City gives hope that a lot of money in the city's budget-pressed by tourists are distributed on repairs. Aleja NMP has a length of about 1.5 km and width 44 meters, was established at the beginning of the nineteenth century, as a way of connecting and New Czestochowa Czestochowa, the city merged administratively August 19, 1826 a year. The distinctive design in which two two-lane carriageways are separated by a boulevard running between them - draws its inspiration from Western Europe, with one exception - there is no traffic at such an important holiday for the consumer site. Here, too, it should not be. Long walking
crowned with success journey.

Belgian Cafe is located in a fairly muted municipal Avenue of the Virgin. After passing through the gate draws our aesthetic views of tables, it is clear, the external features suggest that the interior will be maintained. After crossing the threshold of - surprise - you can dress nicely hehehe. Tea Room, Cafe, Audiovisual Salk. Tastefully, elegantly and with a touch of extravagance. A good quarter of the meeting is to see showcases, art paintings, decorated items. In preparing musicians for the show You can learn the basic face of the Belgian Cafe and Tea House so the place - they have on their wooden racks a large selection of teas from around the world, delicious thing. You should ask support for help in choosing, worth noting the possibility of tasting his own fragrance.
concert was scheduled to start at. 20 but, as usual, not everything has to start exactly at the scheduled time. The additional half hour to connect the live stream available on Ustream and hardware configuration, reduce noise, and you can start. After a short friendly
rękoczynach hehe men agreed the order of play. The assembled guests
ready to explore.

First Performance: GREGORY

Starts Greg Bojanek ( ) Founder Etalabel (www.etalabel . com) and co-founder of the project CHOP ( / choptour / index.php ) - a platform for artistic linking Poland and China. The artist uses a specific device, originally derived from China, I do not exactly present a formal name but it looks like a plate connected to a microphone to sound vibration transfer
developed by smyrania bow. It looks quite experimental but is concrete and familiar. Positive public impression, you will see a focus on listening to the brews but what pleased us most is the spiritual and the experience of participating with the audience his performance .. Pulsating feelings led us live the way different from other routes because a man thinking it their routes.

Second Performance:
Piotr Michalowski ( ) occurring with its latest material derived from the publishing Nmls - Chopin Rearranged (downloadable on its website) has seduced audiences in strictly musical sense, but also part of a woman in concept and image - friendly. Put all the initial sounds in a completely different atmosphere compared to the previous artist. It became quite rhythmically. Part sunk in the public conversation about the conversation left her and turned toward the scene. In particular, broke an entire company to Mr. rozgadanemu saying: "Whore, cool music." Throughout we recorded live on comfortable rocking chairs audience, the material presented in a rather special way goes to a wider audience, do not know if that was the idea the artist but those are not related and are not interested in the electronic music quickly odnajdywały the presented sounds. Attraction of this release is proportional to the number of customers who hear it the higher the number the higher the level during the entire concert were auctioned WEF board artists - Peter was of particular interest. NMLS

NMLS part2.
Performance Three:
Chris Orluk ( / krzysztoforluk ) przewartościował room sound . In his works can be seen and we hear William Basinskim fascination. Live is also able to please fans of Biosphere, and derivatives of the subject. The whole presented the musical material presented in a coherent, linear, although some sound frequencies quite dekonstruowały plan reception acoustic artist. Is is clear from the speakers used -?. Orluk fill space I could feel his hands, we can say that Chris gets into the structure of the world to its proper mathematical way of providing new experimental sounds.
Performance Fourth:
Vasen Piparjuuri ( / vasenpiparjuuri ), ie Arthur Manka-Chrzanowski, as we read on "from the very beginning stage associated with the Warsaw Electronic Festival. On one hand, fascinated by the emotional aspect of music, on the other hand, their objective, formal structure." As has been reproduced word structure we mean the structure unstructured. On his show part of my audience could not wait to hit very hard Vasen same physical taking part in his live. Passion spin loops and more bars seem to be a love for art and niezsynchronizowanej. The performance of highly experimental and not for everyone, it could appeal to particular audiences looking for something more than an orderly place in the universe and omniscience. Architects and specialists do not have to define everything here what you seek. Technological advancement and futurism, do not call this beautiful music, a big dose of ugliness and deformalizacji - This pleases and that is it.
Performance Five:

WO or Wojciech Morawski specializing in August following a fairly minimal the species firmly fathoming glitch and drone. The whole live, we can not write because of the absence. Not due to a lack of respect for the artist. Recorded sounds can help to understand the broader nature of the artist. Sorted eclectic sample the Principle of Ecological distributed Cafe Belgian described and filled the space. The work Wojtek you can familiarize yourself here . And that dear readers recommend.

whole idea of \u200b\u200bthe concert focuses on one man - Przemek Ciszek - about the whole health situation can learn from his side www.przemekciszek . Big thanks to the audience, the WEF team, the entire crew of the Belgian Cafe. All came for the music but above all for Mek.

Friends are the family of their own choosing.

Przemek have wonderful friends.

keep our fingers crossed. Musical greetings from 4QuietPeople.


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