Sunday, January 31, 2010

Humenerrors Intheodolite

Hymns to the Gods - Georgios Gemistos Plethon

restaurateur Plato's Academy in Italy - after 900 years of d was closed by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 529 The

anthem first, year-round. To Zeus.

Zeus, father of itself, the venerable Demiurgu,
newborn King of all, the brightest of all,
Sovereign, and just being one, respectability itself.
you something everything was created from eternity,
Something great things alone, and they and other
He made as soon as possible and the best:
Roll up, save, guide us through all
praised their children, which disposes of,
Yes, as designated by you and the fate of our due.

Hymn second season, The Gods

Zeus spontaneous, parent of all, the royal
sons and comrades, which podług righteousness leads us,
May you never ceased to be our guides,
legitimate rights we may have used, even as these, what we
friendly, and those that we use podług possible.
After all ye gods, guided by reason, our guide,
What you have created for us with your uniform,
Let us just live in another life, I finally
Zeus celebrating with us Give power.

Hymn third, the first of the month, to Zeus

Great Zeus, a real Janusie, autocratic father, praojcze
the Universe, which you call the existence tudziez birth,
And none of these things did not create unnecessary,
Ever since this time, as he zaistniałeś,
You develop things such, never being idle,
And also not make the goods below its potential,
falls As the creator of the good itself.
Hey you, Zeus, the most royal of wszechwładców,
Hi, the most happy, generous Giver of wealth.

fourth hymn of the second month, Poseidon

O great lord, the firstborn son of Zeus, Posejdon,
grandeur and power of dominion over all,
What appears to be the creation of Zeus, and on what you,
second after his father, have the right to dominate overwhelmingly,
You a straight infinitely surpass all
Because of beings in general are not born, you also
and a vast sky, the father indicated
dropped out to create, in which for you and we were born.
Be therefore always be, Father, gracious and merciful to us.

fifth Hymn, with the third month, Hera

Hero, venerable goddess, daughter of great Zeus, your Spouse
Poseidon, this is what appears to be
beauty, mother of the gods, those who are inside the sky, I
wytwórczyni matter, and the site in the world
A visible donor, and any power,
That which leads to virtue and all the glory.
of this world you enter through which
For everything there was full and at the same time and eternity;
Let us live life graciously guided us toward virtue.

Hymn sixth, the fourth month, the Olympic Gods

Posejdon Ruler, the great son of Zeus najzacniejszy,
Who art from his father seized power over all creatures,
And you, Hero, a venerable his małżonko and noble Queen,
And Apollo, Artemido, Hefajstosie, indeed Bakchusie,
I Ateno - here you among the seven gods are more than
All the other after the supreme ruler heavens,
I have what Olympus dwell, all in this world
Immortals beings fathers, and ourselves among them,
Be gracious to us and tudziez very friendly.

Hymn seventh, the fifth month, Apollo

Ruler of Apollonia, the identity of the whole of nature
patron and guide, what different things each
reduced to one, as the Universe itself multiple and diverse
subordinates only harmony;
you behold the souls deliberation unanimously add
also shows impart righteousness, with the best goods,
And also the health and beauty are giving bodies, and desire you
divine beauty gives us constantly,
Master, for our souls: my paean to you preach.

Hymn seventh, the sixth month, Artemis

Artemido Sovereign, You who rule the nature of the
For having received a single universe,
ultimately divide up this way and otherwise,
On many forms, and these form the various things you create,
With all the parts tudziez members. You also souls
liberating them from striving for the worse, You You give me courage
and prudence, and strength and health bodies.
Yet the Goddess, you always escape from the evil deeds we
, possible, marked by numerous falls and repair our lives.

Hymn ninth, the seventh month, the Heavenly Gods

O Helios, ruler of heaven, have mercy on us,
gracious and you either, seleno, ruler holidays,
And you bringing light [Aphrodite], and you Shining [Hermes]
Companions of the sun, and you, a glossy and glowing, And you
Fire [Aresie], all of you, midfielders
Lord Helios, and you having custody of us, you
him, in what should be helping. So we
praise you, our wonderful caregivers,
A time and the stars scattered divine providence.

Hymn tenth of the eighth month, Athena

Ateno ruler, You who directs and disposes
integral in any way a form of matter itself are the
wytwórczynią, wielding vast.
From you comes the whole figure of Poseidon,
Which is all movement and the emergence of
That reason, and if something becomes superfluous
Sam reject it all, including from us,
Whenever you receive from us crazy a misdemeanor.
O Goddess, rationally to wake the spirit of our duty.

Hymn eleventh, the ninth month, Dionysus

Bacchus, father, all rational souls rodzicielu,
Any and all heavenly demons,
How and ours, the ruler Posejdon, you who
Movement triggered a passionate desire for the good,
And also to keep better you are the perpetrator,
Give to us, devoid of irrational thoughts, good
more divine every time acquisitions,
with reason we may again return to them were,
not allowing us to long for the good act foolishly.

Hymn twelfth of the tenth month, Titans

whole mortal nature on to praise,
That is the ruler of Cronus, the son Zeusowego,
Oldest bękarcich other sons of Zeus,
Titans of Tartarus, the same with him praise;
After all, they are all honorable and bad things protagonists of the rite.
Although they are scarce begetters mortal creatures, including
and Aphrodite, wife of Cronus this holy
praise and the Lord - the ruler of the animal and Demeter - Empress of the plants,
I Kora, ruler of our mortal nature, and any other issues.

thirteenth hymn of the eleventh month, Hefajsosowi

Hefajstosie Ruler, who are you among the gods nadniebiańskich,
Both the Olympic and Tartarus, standing at the helm,
You play along with the extensive ruling Poseidon
and provides office space and each;
you that stability in all're the reason
And for all those who eternity deliver
Sam or together with Poseidon, under will of his father;
care of us, letting us in beautiful
's Actions still remain, since we were born with.

Hymn fourteenth to the twelfth month, Demons

Along with other immortals and those closest to us
praise, these pristine Demon
Which, along with other, more holy Gods
good for us favor, often and all the splendor
Nam distribute, that through them from Zeus himself
They flow from all other gods coming. Therefore
and us, some gods purify
Others - educating, indeed guard, ocalają,
easily repairing our intelligence. Be gracious!

Hymn fifteenth, the thirteenth month, all the Gods

Supreme Zeus, which dominates over all gods, creator of
Being honorable, and all parental;
And you, of all the gods, what kind of only the Olympians,
And wszelcy Tartarus, the earth and celestial tudziez,
Let us, if you slip into error awful, with vile deeds
clean up and bring you to the pristine,
order and our life became happy and, of Zeus,
you, what on us all, you're the most powerful,
Sam jawisz the good and the very first final.

anthem the sixteenth, the first of the holidays, Zeus

Zeus, as the sole niezrodzony and samoistniejący,
Wszechtwórco and all-powerful ruler, who all absolutely
unites and where does it come from anything, separates
separately, one and all in this way
work of producing, with spectacular wszechmiar
as soon as possible, because you're the one beyond all envy.
Come, O Zeus, you and us through his famous sons
Steer Together with the Universe, where you decide and let us
a good start and complete the work properly.

seventeenth hymn, the second Christmas, the Olympic Gods

on to, praise the ruler of Poseidon which is the oldest
Surely all the children of Zeus
And the strongest, the second after his father is the leader
Any occurrence, and the closest we tudziez
WebMaster. Along with him, and Hera, queen, even
Pochwalimy, and other the other, those on Mount Olympus,
Gods who all the local immortal
world leaders and the perpetrators are. Thus, Be gracious.

eighteenth Hymn, with the third Christmas, all the Gods

O Gods, what kind of only the greatest good of Zeus,
are quite harmless, protagonists of the rite of wickedness, which
Warchief and the head of Poseidon, given by Zeus.
you who are the heavens within the very heavens,
all wonderful, I praise you now
We who have received the last relationship with you.
Hey, you, the happy gods, the donor of the goods and
To us, life which is not always carefree, good and fortunately
donated, can always improve.

Hymn nineteenth, the fourth Christmas, after all the Olympic gods

lord Kronos, and the Titans over the heavens,
you speak, you, that this whole sky regulation;
Ruler Helios, for which the other planets follow,
from which the whole family was chosen mortal,
from you both, from Cronus and Helios as well.
Titans and the planet - are your helpers,
Others also in the other co-workers - after all, and you
we praise, from you and having a lot of good,
A total of you and the fixed stars, and clean demons.

Hymn twenty, with the fifth Christmas, Pluto

O ruler Pluto, human nature
and chief conductor, who received this gift from Zeus himself,
unity combining all of which appears to us separately,
I kept at us, guide us perfectly,
both in this world, and paying us out of here.
The surroundings of heroes, the nature of which exceeds us,
and our other friends, beautiful and good,
A and bark along with you, the noble goddess of Tartarus,
Which, if needed, gives us some deadly. Be kind.

Hymn twenty-first, the sixth Christmas, Zeus

father Zeus, the almighty, omnipotent, lord of wealth,
Wszechrodzicu in the mind of his greatness are being.
After all, we are not born divine protagonists of the rite of goods,
But having the power of our mortal nature, we are occasionally
fallible, but also encourage improvement. Let
to us, now freed from the wickedness
Through Your Children, which Thou hast entrusted,
Move closer to those who have the brains repaired
order for us every time you worship the generous and merciful.

twenty-second anthem, the first weekday, for singing on the second day

Behind all these gifts, I own and I had always
Thanks to you, but that Zeus is the highest donor. I wish I did not poniewierał
common goods of my house,
Where has the power and reach, I am ready to cooperate
for the common good to see my great advantage in it.
Let me be the cause does not become evil, whenever it happens to anyone
of people, but a good cause, the extent to manage it, so I
and I like to you, happy he's become.

Hymn twenty-third, from the everyday second, for singing on the third day

Let u I will not, The gods, the confusion of nice pleasures, let
will put an end to them, in which something bad will not,
what comes from them, equally for the soul and the body. Let
wealth will not be sated; measure, however
Let them do what is essential for the body,
that I may boast that it lasts me what I have.
Let not tempt me, never deceptive and empty fame,
Knowing that only what it is useful to
true and divine virtues lead.

Hymn twenty-fourth, the third of the everyday, for the fourth day of singing

Let not bother me, misery, the Gods, my mortal
reconciling each time, aware of his immortal soul
, which is separated from the mortal body, and the divine. Let
does not make me none of this confusion,
What is clear from human problems, my freedom of the consumer,
And let's not be forced to be a slave of evil thoughts.
And for making something beautiful, what ever happen to me, let
not spare himself a mortal, but as an immortal
want to let my soul, being always perfect.

Twenty Hymn fifth, the fourth weekday, for singing in the fifth day

Happy is he who cares about his immortal soul
always to become the most beautiful, the body of the dead,
do not care too much, and if necessary, even if paid .
Happy is among the fatalities, which no man's injustice toward
Do not use the lawlessness of his soul with a knowledge of
sheer unalloyed, which exceeds the meanness of others.
Happy is he who in the unfortunate and unpleasant cases
He is not suffering, they persistently forbearing,
As a mortal himself good setting.

Hymn twenty-sixth, from fifth weekday, for singing in the sixth day

Happy is he who in vain human conceits
She pays no attention, but assume the same reasoning well,
in mind the legitimate striving for divine virtue.
Happy is he who recklessly and blindly never
not seek to infinite quantities of goods, but still it
Inflicts a moderate according to the needs of your body.
Happy is he who sets his own border itself, Which
or bad for the soul to some does not constitute,
Neither the body, but would be consistent with the Divine virtue.

Hymn twenty-seventh, the sixth weekday, for singing in the seventh day

Happy is he who for yourself many do not appropriates,
Through the terrible folly of not doing so bad and other people,
But always good, like the same Szczesnys gods.
Happy is he who, knowing that the gods have care
Above all our community and the shaft itself does not change.
Happy is he who is grateful Gods so it
Knowing that everything is on them, first from Zeus himself,
from him is all beautiful and good deeds to come.

Plato's Academy - Rafaella fresco Sanzio (1483-1520)

Mistra - here made Georgios Gemistos Plethon - Renaissance philosopher
http : / / / wiki / Mistra

Thursday, January 28, 2010

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Bp. Tyrawa the Christian God

"If Europe will depart from the Christian God who liberated man from the demonic forces, it will fall again in their captivity. Man will once again made himself a pagan religion, which Christianity, he moved out, "
Bp. Jan Tyrawa

Again "demonic forces" (read: life), "slavery" and Christian deliverance. Bolshevism was to be a liberation, and ended up even more bondage. The same is true with Christianity. Bolshevism religious antiquity. Christianity is also a man-made. To a man, not the Christian God no, he created himself, to rule over others, this religion (one might say : one man had prepared such a fate! ).

Freethinkers of the second century Lucian, wrote about the Christians in the satire "The death of Peregrinus"

"Those opętańcy uroili himself forward, it will be completely immortal and that life awaits them after centuries, resulting in death, and willingly despise the masses for her entire set. And then the first of their legislature persuaded them that everyone will be your brothers, if only have turned to renounce the Hellenic gods, and before that his forehead hit the crucified sage, and according to his commandments, shall live. They despise it all in equal measure and for the common property of all consider adopting these teachings without further examination. Had so totally into between them in which the quack, swindler, who knows how to get down to things that can be neatly fish in the spot, tumaniąc simpletons. "

Nothing more, nothing less.

Hymen And A Torn Hymen

Buchanan about the modern world

blog from someone named Dakowskiego

recently Pa try k Bu Hanan in the USA wrote: "Adam Moves and Eve, entered "Krystal has two we have." Gone are images of Christ ascending to Heaven, in return images emerged showing apes moving from Homo erectus. She left Easter, over Earth Day went. Gone biblical teaching about homosexuality immoral fact, entered the gay academic Advanced Member of the so-called immorality. homophobia. Gone commandments, entered a condom. "

word enters Freedom instead of the biblical enslavement of minds. As for me, it does not interest me if my neighbor believes that the world was created in 6 days Bozi, and the seventh the rest. Let him believe that his Bozi created the first man - Adam, and then from his rib Evunia ... And for disobedience drove them from paradise. Then, the same Jewish Bozi condemned homosexuality, but - what the inconsistency - he had committed among the animals! And today, the same lips Bozi prohibited his priests to use condoms as well as any anal (sodomy) - especially among men. Well, those Jewish fables rozpanoszyły so that their preachers still have the audacity to usurp the right to preach morality, the only proper - TRUTH and WAY beyond any doubt!
It is time for assessment and verification of the moral progress of men raised by the various Christian churches. I believe that Christianity is not passed this exam, especially in Poland.
But, as always, everything should be imperfection of human nature because of the totalitarian scapegoat of Christianity, namely Satan.
Everyone needs an enemy of totalitarianism. Nazism had it in the Jews, Bolshevism - the capitalists, and Christianity? In Satan! Is it at all would exist totalitarianism without an enemy?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Page Kates Playground

Rydzyk of insults against the clergy in Poland

Rydzyk for Polonia in the U.S.: "In this Catholic Poland as a priest walks down the street or sister religious, that's insulting to hear, that the injury talk. In Israel, I have not heard of this. The media are doing it. " I have not heard any such insults against the clergy. Rydzyk wrong except Poland and Britain, which has freed itself from the authority of the Catholic clergy in the sixteenth century. And there actually do not love the church officials. It seems to me that he wakes Rydzyk aggression, because "whoever lives by the sword, die by the sword." And as to fool the media. This is a man who would not have access to other media except TV and Radio Maryja Trwam would be really poor and poor (there are expensive subscriptions and most boring programs!). God defend us against such media! Protect us from Rydzyk, which tends to!

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Rydzyk Adolf?

Media, among others TVN, provided an account of the visit Rydzyk in the U.S.. Rydzyk supports another Redemptorist John King, who celebrates Masses. As reported "Head of Radio Maryja is usually at the end to finish the Mass with a strong accent. In the Basilica of St. St. Jack in Chicago said: - I asked the local Polish community in Toronto, which is still in Poland, Polish: companies, banks, factories, media? So what is Polish? Churches are Polish, " - shared with the faithful of his vision of the world.
Those who wanted to shake hands with his father Rydzyk or hear from him something more - had to pay. In Chicago, a ticket to the Christmas meeting of the Redemptorist shortly after the mass cost as much as 35 dollars. "
Polonia is obviously delighted with the "true Pole" Rydzyk; not regret it for the money this priest culture of death (obligatory celibacy of its spiritual leaders is only one of its manifestations). As you know Rydzyk collection organized in Poland "at the shipyard." Of course, none of the naive simpletons wyłudzone money "in the yard," not intended. And a Catholic, a former catechist told me that he has certainly been well spent. Probably. Rydzyk is after all more important things! He wants to build a true Catholic media empire, and this after all you need is money (which is why it is now in the U.S.). Then a shipyard there, or sick children to treatment which, incidentally, the money collected each year Owsiak George and his Orchestra, then in general it is not interested. He has yet dalekosiężniejsze plans. And what can celebrate it there, the fate of some Polish shipyard workers or sick children?
Rydzyk claims that everything is done for the Polish and the church - nothing for myself. But how do we know it. He was an Austrian Catholic, which was very attached to the Church, and the German nationalist named Adolf, which is also used to say that everything is done for Germany and Germans - nothing for myself. Just like Rydzyk decided to get rid of all Jews, freemasons, liberals, socialists and homosexuals. Much of his plan realized. However Rydzyk wants his plan to put into practice the other - its politicians (it is to be an eminence grise), whom he brought up and will comply. Already launched such a breeding ground for real Polakatolików hostile to Jews, who, I believe every day - what a paradox! - Pray for the Jews - Jesus and his mother, and Paul and other Jewish apostles and saints. Well:
Only at the cross.
Only under this sign .
Poland is Polish, and the Pole Pole .
Jew of his God, and his mother a virgin .
Only at the cross miracles happen!

Fortunately Rydzyk outside Polish - Polish Saxon recidivism is also another Poland. Polish Renaissance. And this is Polish, I identify with.

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Rydzyku - not just church in Poland is Polish! McDonald's too! Fall

"Head of Radio Maryja in the U.S. is usually at the end to finish the Mass with a strong accent. The Basilica of St. St. Jack in Chicago said: - I asked the local Polish community in Toronto, what else in Poland is Polish: establishments, banks, factories, the media? "Well, what is Polish? Churches are Polish."

true! McDonald's also is Polish, though that was how the Catholic Church - International!

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Jerzy Kropiwnicki

"Kropiwnicki is a conservative Catholic, pet clergy, a staunch opponent of abortion, contraception, trading on Sunday and Knight of the Order of St. George. In the absence of classes in the Lodz magistrate travels around the world for the public money, builds fountains and statues right, took a crusade ws. introduction of free in the Epiphany "- writes the reporter," Facts and Myths "Victoria Ziminska.
January 17 boats have a chance to vote in a referendum whether they wish to continue in office he was mayor.
can say that Kropiwnicki is a leading figure in the recidivism Saxon in Poland. He in fact suggested that the days of legendary Persian magi, the so-called. three kings, devout in Poland to celebrate idleness. Although the introduction of another day off from work will result in financial losses (estimated at 5.7 billion zł) companies and, unfortunately, further reductions in jobs ... It's almost certain that because of the great clerical - patriot Vatican and Polish patriot, while mediocre day three mages Persian since 2011, will be free from ... work. Because traditionally, and after sasku - is not important whether Poland will be poor or rich - as long as a Catholic it was!

Ps. It's the end of Jerzy Kropiwnicki the functions of the mayor (president of Lodz since 2002)! Łódź inhabitants went to the polls and say NOT clerical włodarzowi. Throughout Sunday, took a referendum which decided on the future of the city.

According to still unofficial results of over 125 thousand voted. inhabitants of the city. It took a little over 115 thousand. More than 90 percent. Voters said they did not want to see more of in the municipal Kropiwinickiego George. He met him the same fate as another ultraklerykalnego president - Tadeusz Wrona - until recently the president of Czestochowa, lost his office in exactly the same way, and almost exactly the same reasons.

It's a good sign. This means that in our nation's will to overcome the Saxon recidivism!
My outrage that character and in the desire to harm Poland ceased to have heard, this is a political end Kropiwnicki.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blueprints Of A Sand Rail

Alleluia and forward! Nergal

Totu s Tuus - Omni and Inst aura 're in Chri com - Ad Maio rem Dei glor iam - Alle Luja and przo du!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Genital Warts Freezing

offends the religious feelings of PiS MPs?

Pomeranian PiS deputies by the Prosecutor's Office in Gdynia, a notice of the suspected crime of defamation of religions Adam Darskiego - Nergal. At the prosecutor's office reported to the PiS MPs signed up to Andrzej Jaworski, Jolanta Szczypińska (In the photo. With a rose in his teeth during the tryst with the priest;), Zbigniew Kozak and former MEP Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka. The case concerns a concert in September 2007 in the club "Ear" in Gdynia, during which Darski tore the Bible and its fragments scattered among the audience. Then the cards were to be burned by fans of the band. Behemoth The singer had also say that the Catholic Church is "murderous sect." The notice to the prosecution PiS MPs also claim that the texts of songs Darski constantly spreading religious hatred. I agree. Enough of hate! Love the girl clergy - And not just fans of PiS! May finally give up all those black cassock? I will be exemplary husbands and fathers. And Poland will become normal, ie less reminiscent of today's Iran, where the priests ruled out of this world, we are still instructive, what is good and what is wrong.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Wonder If I Will Go Out Of You Like It?

"Not bad to earn on the charitable activities"

- "Not bad to earn on the charitable activities" - exactly the same sentence, paragraph Redemptorist died, Peter Andrukiewicz of Radio Maryja and TV Trwam on Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity George Owsiak.

No comment.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

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Vietnamese Communists blew up a cross-Polish intervention will

"Nasz Dziennik": Polish MPs will interpellate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the repression of Christians in Vietnam. Members suggested Radoslaw Sikorski to formulate diplomatic note to the communist government of Hanoi.

Members also indicated that as a member state should raise this issue within the European Union. A similar view is Polish MEPs.

is a reaction to the blowing up of a monumental cross on one of the cemeteries and the brutal beating of Catholics who were trying to prevent this from happening.


Well there was a clash of two totalitarian regimes - the Christian and Communist. One of them must always be on top. That is the nature of totalitarianism. In Poland, however, is difficult to understand is that the cross is a symbol of totalitarianism - Only one way, truth and life, which originally meant niesprzeciwnianie to evil and turning the other cheek ... The rules impossible to apply, as acknowledgment of fulfillment are orthodox Jews, and therefore rejected such a "divine" teachings and their preacher. In fact, Christians, and went away from the original teachings of his teacher and "Savior." Science "son of man" was in fact the Gospel and on the lips of the priests, "God Crucified." In the daily life of Christians was never applied.

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Goddess Athena Polonia!

patroness Athena Polish? Today, the patroness of Polish woman is mortal, not a Goddess. But the cult of Mary - Miriam, the mother of a religious reformer of the Jewish Jesus - Yeshua, however, did not make our country even if the local power. On the contrary ... Probably to make the patron goddess of Athens Polish, after all, from Athens, we have Democracy, our nation would have a better life? Athens completely impoverished, when Christians did the patron of Athens deadly Jewess - the mother of Jesus. Was not the fate of Polish were similar? With the victory of Catholicism as the dominant religion, our country, instead of grow, started to decline ... Reached its apogee during the fall of the Saxon. Today we have a repetition of those times ...

few words about the goddess Athena ...

When Zeus swallowed his first wife - Metydę, who was pregnant, he began to experience severe headaches. He called Hephaestus, the divine blacksmith and had himself ax smash his head, to see what is the reason for this pain. The open head of Zeus, the woman jumped in full armor, with a battle cry, shaking his spear. Thus was born Athena - goddess of wisdom and war (defense). The birth of the goddess was accompanied by a bright glow, the earth shook and the sky. In mythology contradictory information about the birthplace of the goddess. The most likely considered the island of Rhodes. But there's no doubt who first came to pay homage to the new goddess. Residents of Rhodes so much hurry to be the first and deserve special protection Athens, that in a hurry and forgot the fire had not burnt sacrifice. After them came the fire which is why the Athenians and their city surrounded the special care of the goddess. Do not forget also about the inhabitants of Rhodes - as the patron of crafts gave them the ability to sculpt marvelous statues that look like they live.

Athena was the favorite child of Zeus. Sadzał it high on the council of the gods, has always valued her opinion. As a sign of special grace let her use his terrible weapons - thunder, and carry the aegis. Bravely helped his father in battle with giants. It was a harsh and inaccessible virgin, huge attitude, great strength and indomitable fortitude. Just as Hestia not in my head it was love and marriage - all the time was occupied with his vocation. She was the patroness of war, but only those steered in a good cause, to defend the towns attacked by deceit. The patron of the wisdom (inherited from his father), science and rękodziełom and crafts. The Greek word sophia means not only wisdom, but the craft and skill. She was next to his father one of the most important gods in the Greek Pantheon.

Above all, Athena was the patron saint of the city of Athens. In the old days, when the gods divide between them the earthly realm ruled by the first king of Attica - Kekrops. The Kingdom's first hit Poseidon. In the place where he struck his trident on the Acropolis rock flow a saltwater source (Erechtis). After him came Athena on the Acropolis and planted olive, urging the king Kekropsa to evaluate whose gift is more valuable. He did the dispute between Athens and Poseidon. Held him until Zeus (according to some 12 council chaired by the great gods Zeus). Athens was considered the superiority of the gift, giving it possession of Athens and Attica. Angry Poseidon sea flooded Attica - protecting residents wait out the flood on high Acropolis. Olive planted by the goddess has survived for centuries - burned it (along with Erechtejonem) before Xerxes, the Persian Wars in 480 BC in

Some time later, the king of Athens was the hero Erechteus. Hephaestus wanted to marry a virgin Athena. Zeus has given his consent, provided that it is opposed not Athena. When the goddess visited the shop one day Hephaestus, the grabbed her and discharged the scuffle. In this struggle the seed of Hephaestus would flow to the leg of Athens. Goddess wiped foot bundle of wool, which she threw to the ground. The fertilized soil born child - Erechteus. Athena was raised to "their" child a secret from the gods, the sacred circle at the Acropolis, desiring to make her immortal. When he grew up he drove Erechteus former king of Attica, and with the consent of Athens is in control. In the place where he was raised on the Acropolis built himself a palace of the goddess - Erechtejon.

Athenians seen in its ideal embodiment of the same goddess of Athens and the most perfect expression of all the virtues of Athens. They built for her the most beautiful temples of the Parthenon at the helm. For her, they organized a great celebration - Panatenaje, celebrated since time immemorial in the harvest season. According to the myths established under the name of its Erechteus Atenaja and Theseus after the unification of municipalities made the Panatenajów attyckich ogólnoateńskie feast. In 556r. BC Pizystrat Panatenajom gave a special place. Every four years (three years of each Olympiad) celebrated the Grand Panatenaje. They consisted of a music competition, sporting events, equestrian competitions, selection of leaders of the procession, the procession, dancing and running in armor with torches. On the Panatenajach decorating the boat race. Central punt ceremony was a great procession, which were brought to the Acropolis in addition to numerous gifts - peplos - ceremonial robe, which was assumed at the statue of Athena Polias Erechtejonie. At the termination involves a solemn sacrifice of oxen and sheep (holocaust), combined with a feast for all Athenians. Every year, furnishing Small Panatenaje, which lasted for less (no procession, only competition).

always surrounded by Athena joy and trust and people devoted to her care. Almost always, was friendly and eager to help others gods and men. Although the mythology there are several stories showing the worse, cruel face. One of them is the myth of Arachne. Athena as the patron of handicrafts, especially excelled in the works and weaving wyszywaniu. Arachne - Princess of the Earth - the goddess threw a challenge arguing that embroiders no worse than she is. He began the competition. Goddess graced your fabric images of 12 Olympians. In the corners of images placed as a warning of penalties befell mortals who dared to compete with the gods. Arachne and embroidered images of gods with śmiertelniczkami compounds. There was a spirited Zeus Europe, playing with Leda by Zeus disguised in the form of a swan and many others. Athena saw that the work of Princess exceeds its own. Angered rivals tore the fabric decorated with transgressions of the gods. Proud Princess targnęła own life - she hung up. Only then Athena realized how much anger blinded her. According to some at the last moment before his death saved Arachne. According to others, restore it to life. At the same time turned it into a spider (Arachne is a spider in Greek). Since then, Arachne wove a lifetime network of delicate spider webs.

Athena, the Greeks bestowed many nicknames. First of all, was Partenos - Virgin. The other were: Polias - guardian of the city, Promachos (Przodownica-Struggle, Slayer), Eragne (employee), Pallas (Virgin, Girl), Nike (winning). In many surviving statues and paintings usually occurs either in full armor, a helmet with the tail, or in a long robe reaching to the feet (as presented was a huge statue of the Parthenon). Athena's favorite bird was the owl, a symbol of the goddess and the city of Athens. To this day, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. The favorite was the olive tree of Athens.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Will 24 Panadol Really Kill You

Outside, frost, white and somehow so nice that you do not see szarobrudnego backyard ... so I thought do not ever pasting is nothing new on my blog ... It is desired in January and then I have a bit more ... Since everyone is bragging about Christmas trees and I'll show you ours. This year, totally alone, for a moment before Christmas Eve, my children have clothed it :-)))

By the way I painted quite a similar accident on the silk. Maybe next year I can get it somehow because it looks better to highlight the very elegant ... But whatever, it turned that this is his portrait alive!