Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baseball Invite Wording

Rydzyk Adolf?

Media, among others TVN, provided an account of the visit Rydzyk in the U.S.. Rydzyk supports another Redemptorist John King, who celebrates Masses. As reported "Head of Radio Maryja is usually at the end to finish the Mass with a strong accent. In the Basilica of St. St. Jack in Chicago said: - I asked the local Polish community in Toronto, which is still in Poland, Polish: companies, banks, factories, media? So what is Polish? Churches are Polish, " - shared with the faithful of his vision of the world.
Those who wanted to shake hands with his father Rydzyk or hear from him something more - had to pay. In Chicago, a ticket to the Christmas meeting of the Redemptorist shortly after the mass cost as much as 35 dollars. "
Polonia is obviously delighted with the "true Pole" Rydzyk; not regret it for the money this priest culture of death (obligatory celibacy of its spiritual leaders is only one of its manifestations). As you know Rydzyk collection organized in Poland "at the shipyard." Of course, none of the naive simpletons wyłudzone money "in the yard," not intended. And a Catholic, a former catechist told me that he has certainly been well spent. Probably. Rydzyk is after all more important things! He wants to build a true Catholic media empire, and this after all you need is money (which is why it is now in the U.S.). Then a shipyard there, or sick children to treatment which, incidentally, the money collected each year Owsiak George and his Orchestra, then in general it is not interested. He has yet dalekosiężniejsze plans. And what can celebrate it there, the fate of some Polish shipyard workers or sick children?
Rydzyk claims that everything is done for the Polish and the church - nothing for myself. But how do we know it. He was an Austrian Catholic, which was very attached to the Church, and the German nationalist named Adolf, which is also used to say that everything is done for Germany and Germans - nothing for myself. Just like Rydzyk decided to get rid of all Jews, freemasons, liberals, socialists and homosexuals. Much of his plan realized. However Rydzyk wants his plan to put into practice the other - its politicians (it is to be an eminence grise), whom he brought up and will comply. Already launched such a breeding ground for real Polakatolików hostile to Jews, who, I believe every day - what a paradox! - Pray for the Jews - Jesus and his mother, and Paul and other Jewish apostles and saints. Well:
Only at the cross.
Only under this sign .
Poland is Polish, and the Pole Pole .
Jew of his God, and his mother a virgin .
Only at the cross miracles happen!

Fortunately Rydzyk outside Polish - Polish Saxon recidivism is also another Poland. Polish Renaissance. And this is Polish, I identify with.


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