Saturday, January 9, 2010

How To Make Cloth Hamper

Goddess Athena Polonia!

patroness Athena Polish? Today, the patroness of Polish woman is mortal, not a Goddess. But the cult of Mary - Miriam, the mother of a religious reformer of the Jewish Jesus - Yeshua, however, did not make our country even if the local power. On the contrary ... Probably to make the patron goddess of Athens Polish, after all, from Athens, we have Democracy, our nation would have a better life? Athens completely impoverished, when Christians did the patron of Athens deadly Jewess - the mother of Jesus. Was not the fate of Polish were similar? With the victory of Catholicism as the dominant religion, our country, instead of grow, started to decline ... Reached its apogee during the fall of the Saxon. Today we have a repetition of those times ...

few words about the goddess Athena ...

When Zeus swallowed his first wife - Metydę, who was pregnant, he began to experience severe headaches. He called Hephaestus, the divine blacksmith and had himself ax smash his head, to see what is the reason for this pain. The open head of Zeus, the woman jumped in full armor, with a battle cry, shaking his spear. Thus was born Athena - goddess of wisdom and war (defense). The birth of the goddess was accompanied by a bright glow, the earth shook and the sky. In mythology contradictory information about the birthplace of the goddess. The most likely considered the island of Rhodes. But there's no doubt who first came to pay homage to the new goddess. Residents of Rhodes so much hurry to be the first and deserve special protection Athens, that in a hurry and forgot the fire had not burnt sacrifice. After them came the fire which is why the Athenians and their city surrounded the special care of the goddess. Do not forget also about the inhabitants of Rhodes - as the patron of crafts gave them the ability to sculpt marvelous statues that look like they live.

Athena was the favorite child of Zeus. Sadzał it high on the council of the gods, has always valued her opinion. As a sign of special grace let her use his terrible weapons - thunder, and carry the aegis. Bravely helped his father in battle with giants. It was a harsh and inaccessible virgin, huge attitude, great strength and indomitable fortitude. Just as Hestia not in my head it was love and marriage - all the time was occupied with his vocation. She was the patroness of war, but only those steered in a good cause, to defend the towns attacked by deceit. The patron of the wisdom (inherited from his father), science and rękodziełom and crafts. The Greek word sophia means not only wisdom, but the craft and skill. She was next to his father one of the most important gods in the Greek Pantheon.

Above all, Athena was the patron saint of the city of Athens. In the old days, when the gods divide between them the earthly realm ruled by the first king of Attica - Kekrops. The Kingdom's first hit Poseidon. In the place where he struck his trident on the Acropolis rock flow a saltwater source (Erechtis). After him came Athena on the Acropolis and planted olive, urging the king Kekropsa to evaluate whose gift is more valuable. He did the dispute between Athens and Poseidon. Held him until Zeus (according to some 12 council chaired by the great gods Zeus). Athens was considered the superiority of the gift, giving it possession of Athens and Attica. Angry Poseidon sea flooded Attica - protecting residents wait out the flood on high Acropolis. Olive planted by the goddess has survived for centuries - burned it (along with Erechtejonem) before Xerxes, the Persian Wars in 480 BC in

Some time later, the king of Athens was the hero Erechteus. Hephaestus wanted to marry a virgin Athena. Zeus has given his consent, provided that it is opposed not Athena. When the goddess visited the shop one day Hephaestus, the grabbed her and discharged the scuffle. In this struggle the seed of Hephaestus would flow to the leg of Athens. Goddess wiped foot bundle of wool, which she threw to the ground. The fertilized soil born child - Erechteus. Athena was raised to "their" child a secret from the gods, the sacred circle at the Acropolis, desiring to make her immortal. When he grew up he drove Erechteus former king of Attica, and with the consent of Athens is in control. In the place where he was raised on the Acropolis built himself a palace of the goddess - Erechtejon.

Athenians seen in its ideal embodiment of the same goddess of Athens and the most perfect expression of all the virtues of Athens. They built for her the most beautiful temples of the Parthenon at the helm. For her, they organized a great celebration - Panatenaje, celebrated since time immemorial in the harvest season. According to the myths established under the name of its Erechteus Atenaja and Theseus after the unification of municipalities made the Panatenajów attyckich ogólnoateńskie feast. In 556r. BC Pizystrat Panatenajom gave a special place. Every four years (three years of each Olympiad) celebrated the Grand Panatenaje. They consisted of a music competition, sporting events, equestrian competitions, selection of leaders of the procession, the procession, dancing and running in armor with torches. On the Panatenajach decorating the boat race. Central punt ceremony was a great procession, which were brought to the Acropolis in addition to numerous gifts - peplos - ceremonial robe, which was assumed at the statue of Athena Polias Erechtejonie. At the termination involves a solemn sacrifice of oxen and sheep (holocaust), combined with a feast for all Athenians. Every year, furnishing Small Panatenaje, which lasted for less (no procession, only competition).

always surrounded by Athena joy and trust and people devoted to her care. Almost always, was friendly and eager to help others gods and men. Although the mythology there are several stories showing the worse, cruel face. One of them is the myth of Arachne. Athena as the patron of handicrafts, especially excelled in the works and weaving wyszywaniu. Arachne - Princess of the Earth - the goddess threw a challenge arguing that embroiders no worse than she is. He began the competition. Goddess graced your fabric images of 12 Olympians. In the corners of images placed as a warning of penalties befell mortals who dared to compete with the gods. Arachne and embroidered images of gods with śmiertelniczkami compounds. There was a spirited Zeus Europe, playing with Leda by Zeus disguised in the form of a swan and many others. Athena saw that the work of Princess exceeds its own. Angered rivals tore the fabric decorated with transgressions of the gods. Proud Princess targnęła own life - she hung up. Only then Athena realized how much anger blinded her. According to some at the last moment before his death saved Arachne. According to others, restore it to life. At the same time turned it into a spider (Arachne is a spider in Greek). Since then, Arachne wove a lifetime network of delicate spider webs.

Athena, the Greeks bestowed many nicknames. First of all, was Partenos - Virgin. The other were: Polias - guardian of the city, Promachos (Przodownica-Struggle, Slayer), Eragne (employee), Pallas (Virgin, Girl), Nike (winning). In many surviving statues and paintings usually occurs either in full armor, a helmet with the tail, or in a long robe reaching to the feet (as presented was a huge statue of the Parthenon). Athena's favorite bird was the owl, a symbol of the goddess and the city of Athens. To this day, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. The favorite was the olive tree of Athens.


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