Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ap Bio Lab * Hardy Weinberg Answers

toxin Fm - News. Przemyslaw

Even the cover of this album invites me to the atmospheric sounds of musical experience that is hard to find in today's noisy world, not just music. Launching the album "Farewell to tranquil Existence" For me it's such a magical balloon that carries me somewhere in the stratosphere - is an invitation to the ore Przemyslaw the sky "atmospheric" fortress. This almost transcendental journey musical vehicle is very close to me, because Przemyslaw el sounds perfectly depicted the soaring clouds - how are characteristic for the "Music Sculptors" which is close to my heart Airsculpture British trio - love is precisely these ambient pads that are my ears balm and solace.
Przemyslaw Rudź - Cerulean Legacy
my magic balloon stuck for good somewhere in the clouds, subjected to the beautiful sensations of mild sedatives, and yet my soul sound - sometimes vibrating and melancholic musical nirvana but this is short because the song "Mystery of ALH 84001," kasi me siarczystymi synthesizer solos, and powerful batch sequencer bombing - is one storm's picture - from the inside, everything here sparkles and boiling - as always impresses me a great sound at such selectivity is not a rule in our western neighbors, so, keep it up ladies Rudź! "Gaias Prophetic Dream - I leave here already saying Przemek ore music to my magical vehicle to penetrate our beautiful planet Earth, unfortunately, gloomy guitar riffs sound ominously Jarka Figures from the perspective of my" music of the aircraft, "I see around dirt, dust and general environmental chaos - the only positive in all this is a beautiful twitter of birds, which, though a little more color to this not very optimistic and earthly existences ... the rest, well .... mountains of rubbish that grow and devastate our environment. I've had enough !  Uciekam w bezpieczniejsze miejsce dla mnie, czyli wysoko gdzieś w rejonach podniebnych, mój balon powoli unosi się ku górze, tęskne dźwięki fortepianu w utworze  "Two days after  extincation" powodują  przypływ u mnie zwyczajnych melancholijnych ....łez , autor " Cerulean legacy " w niewytłumaczalny dla mnie sposób powoduje u mnie dreszcze, emocje potęgują ambientowe, minorowe pady, które o dziwo dają mi  NADZIEJĘ. Tak, ta muzyka niesie w sobie powiew optymistycznych, ukrytych fluidów, które dają zwykłemu śmiertelnikowi ostrzeżenie - zastanów się of your life, do something that will allow the next generation ...... Proudly SURVIVE and what's next? To evacuate while there's time - but where? Yearning and yet marvelous beauty synth solo Przemek has something very soulful, sublime and mystical, it reminds me of the cult of Czeslaw Niemen today discs of the decade of the 70 - ties - it notes for the chosen el, spiritual experience of high-test . When you come to el musical stronghold ore, and finally, I can calmly contemplate the words of Professor Hawking wizjonierskie which Moreover, like Lem ahead of us, light years, and its unusual yet highly analytical perception of the world and all human existence to the enormous size of the universe. Here Hawking gives us a warning but his words are significant signpost for the human race. Music ore perfectly highlights what is most important in the message, and Hawking is a great incentive for them to be more alert to what is going on around us. Author - Mariusz


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