Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Birthday Wishes -62 Yr Old

Hello dear friends!
We are enjoying what seem to be the final days of summer.
Tomorrow, I (Beth) will resume my
intensive Russian course
at the Odessa Polytechnic University. I have been trying like crazy to finish

recopying/processing/practicing my notes from my last session of the school. There is so much information!!! I am really excited to get my nose back into my Russian books to find new ways of communication with the Russian speakers who surround me here! I am still not quite sure how much more study I will need to cover the basic grammar foundations of Russian. I know I am not there yet. Please pray that God will open my mind for understanding and then help me to transfer my knowledge of grammar into making daily effective communication a reality! from Odessa. They are meeting on Tuesday evenings for an intensive time of reading and discussing the life-applications from the book of John. One is a long-time friend who has very recently made a decision to live for Jesus. Another is a long-lost friend who made a decision for Jesus long ago and then has been chasing other priorities for many years. He has a strong renewed interest due to recent serious health problems. The third group participant just became a believer at our first youth camp this summer. Please pray with us for these fellows! It is great to see God really answering our prayers on their behalf already! It seems that there are also more new believers that would benefit from such an activity. So pray that God would open up these possibilities too! And give us His ideas! Alex will be speaking at the weekly church youth meeting
this Saturday. Pray that God would make that time effective!
He is also continuing his anthropology studies . Pray for enough time for studies and that God would bless and use these efforts to in His kingdom!

I am enclosing two photos. One is a view of my walk to university – a statue of Lenin. The other is a snapshot of the way home across the same square – an “onion domed” Orthodox building.
One more prayer item…please pray that God would make it possible for us to get reliable internet
in our home. We have been trying to get this already for MONTHS. Right now we are in a type of internet cafĂ©…but the process of sending the update has already taken a huge amount of time due to internet disconnecting etc. We need a stable near-by connection to communicate with you all and with Alex’s university courses and much more. We send our love to each of you and many thanks for your every prayer!
Beth and Alex,


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